Starting Again For The Last Time

If you are anything like me then it’s been 57,000 times of “I’ll start Monday” or “This is it, I’m going to do it this time”. Getting excited about something and then a few weeks later trying to remember what it was that I started out to do because I’m certainly not doing it now and have nothing to show for the money I shelled out for the latest fad. Ugh! Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we feel the need to be the girl with the perfect body, who by the way, doesn’t exist! I’ve seriously never met a woman who didn’t want something changed about herself. Just because she is skinny doesn’t mean she isn’t insecure about something else.

Have you ever noticed that after a few days of eating better or working out you feel great, more confident and ready to take on the world? You get on the scale and because you don’t see the numbers dropping you get mad and spend the day eating your way through the cabinets. Maybe that’s just me? Think about it though, are we working for a better number on the scale that no one else sees, or are we working for that confident, ready to take on the world feeling we had for those first few days before we pulled out the scale??

There was a time in my life that you couldn’t tell me I didn’t look good. Well, I guess you could have.. but it wouldn’t have changed the way I looked at myself in the mirror. Was I a size 6? NOPE! I was a size 12. Fast forward 10 years and I’m a 14/16. Most days I look in the mirror and just feel so disgusted with what I see, but you know what, I don’t see that same girl on days when I chose a low-calorie meal instead of fast food. It’s not on the days that I have planned and made time for me and put my health first. Sure, on those days I have the same person looking back at me, but I’m looking with a whole different attitude and I see something completely different!

It’s not always about the results. Sure, wouldn’t that magic wand be wonderful, but more often than not, it’s about the journey. The journey is what’s going to change not only our body but more importantly, our mindset. The journey is what’s going to develop that self-love and confidence which we truly seek! That go getter inside each one of us is just waiting to take charge. I encourage you today, start again with me and let’s walk this journey together. Starting again for the last time!


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